Microbiology: A Clinical Approach, 2nd Edition by Anthony Strelkauskas,Angela Edwards,Beatrix Fahnert,Greg PDF

By Anthony Strelkauskas,Angela Edwards,Beatrix Fahnert,Greg Pryor,Jennifer Strelkauskas

As with the profitable first version, the hot version of Microbiology: A medical method is written in particular for pre-nursing and allied future health scholars. it really is clinically-relevant all through and makes use of the topic of an infection as its origin. Microbiology is student-friendly: its textual content, figures, and digital assets were conscientiously designed to aid scholars comprehend tricky options and hold them drawn to the material.
The moment variation encompasses a powerful teacher ancillary package deal that enables professors to simply comprise the book’s special approach into their lectures. and likewise to the numerous unfastened assets for college students – together with the E-Tutor, computer virus Parade, Flashcards, and MicroMovies – a brand new on-line homework platform, may be to be had for Spring 2016 classes. The homework platform may have a module for every bankruptcy together with tutorials, media checks, and quizzes, and is observed by way of an teacher dashboard which monitors information on pupil performance.

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Microbiology: A Clinical Approach, 2nd Edition by Anthony Strelkauskas,Angela Edwards,Beatrix Fahnert,Greg Pryor,Jennifer Strelkauskas

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